Thursday, July 1, 2010

A Hardgainer’s Guide To Build Muscle – Part 1 – Working Out

Today is going to be my first in a 5 part series covering all of the aspects that hardgainers need to keep in mind when trying to gain muscle.

If you are a hardgainer, you know it. You are skinny, weak, and have a damn hard time gaining muscle. You have had a hard time up until now when it comes to getting bigger, but this series will help get your physique on the right track.

Today’s portion of this series is going to be on the most enjoyable part of being a hardgainer, the working out part.

Finding a great program for a hardgainer is like finding real tits on a Hooters girl. It just doesn’t happen. You can search all over but you will almost never find a truly effective program that works very well for a hardgainer, but lifting rules to follow; I can give you those.

Instead of giving you an exact program to follow, I am going to give you a set of rules to follow and you can apply them to your program. If you want an exact personalized program, go over to my train with me page and I can help you out.

Hardgainer Rule #1 – Lift With All You’ve Got

As a hardgainer you’re at a disadvantage. This disadvantage is that you aren’t as big or strong as most and can’t become that without lifting as heavy and hard as possible. This isn’t much of a hardgainer rule but a rule for everybody. TO GAIN MUSCLE YOU HAVE TO LIFT HARD. Simple as that. No matter what program you are on or what you eat, if you’re not lifting as hard as you can you will NOT gain as much muscle as you have potential for. Lift your ass of.

Hardgainer Rule #2 – DO NOT Do Body Part Splits

Body part splits are great . . . for guys who AREN’T hardgainers. A body part split doesn’t gain you the most mass at a quick rate. A body part split will refine your physique. At this point you need to build your physique. Building your physique requires doing all of the bigger movements in conjunction with each other. For example, don’t give your chest, back, and shoulders each their own day, group them together and work them on the big movements with a upper lower split (I suggest a 2x per week frequency for this) which leads me to my next rule . . .

Hardgainer Rule #3 – Use Compound Exercises

Compound exercises kick ass when it comes to packing on a serious amount of mass in a short time. Compound exercises make you use multiple muscle at the same time and allow you to use the greatest amount of weight compared to isolation exercises. A larger amount of weight = a larger amount of muscle mass (math is my strong point). Compound exercises will allow you to work less exercises but still hit all of your muscles in a very efficient manner. As a hardgainer you need as much bang or your buck as you can so compound lifts should be your best friend (and your only friend) until you lose your hardgainer title.

Follow these lifting rules to the body you want and keep reading each week for the rest of this series.

Good Luck and Good Lifting


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